Awarded Dental Clinic with In-House Laboratory & 5-Star Hotel
Fine dentistry ensuring the best Turkey teeth veneers price.
Discover personalized advice from us specialist through a complimentary consultation.
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With its own dental laboratory, ultra-modern facilities (new since 2022), and a Training Program for international dentists, Natural Clinic doesn’t lag an inch behind the best dental clinics in Europe.
Certified by the Turkish Ministry of Health, humble receiver of the prestigious NACo and HRSA awards, sponsored by the BBC, Vogue, and LaLiga, we’ve even treated Hollywood stars. Despite competition, there’s a chance we’re the best dental clinic in Turkey.
If you want to receive a free consultation by an elite clinic and enjoy a Mediterranean holiday.
With more than +100,000 dental procedures per year according to ISAPS (these are only international patients!), Istanbul is now the undisputed dental capital of the world.
To manage such numbers, Turkish dental clinics have set up a whole network of hotels, translators, drivers and all-inclusive travel packages for your Turkey teeth veneers price:
Duration of Procedure
3 Day
Time in Turkey
5-7 Days
Final Results
in 7 Days
5* Hotel
Private Driver
15 Years on All Our Products
Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth and improve their appearance. Changing the teeth’s color, shape, size or length, they provide a stainless, natural smile with long-lasting results.
لقد مررت بواحدة من أكثر التجارب المدهشة في هذه العيادة وحصلت على النتائج التي كنت أتمناها. الموظفون طيبون وودودون للغاية وهذا مهم جدا لأي عيادة وأود أن أوصي بأي شخص بهذه العيادة بنسبة 100٪.
من خلال صديق لي صادفت هذه العيادة. مكثت هنا لمدة أربع ليال وكان من دواعي سروري. كان النقل من المطار إلى الفندق سهلا. كان الموظفون ودودون وكان التواصل كله باللغة الإنجليزية وجيد شكرا لك!
لقد استمتعت بزيارتي وسارت عملية العملية على ما يرام. كانت الرعاية اللاحقة لطيفة أيضا.
أوصي بالتأكيد بالمجيء إلى هنا
خدمة العملاء جيدة للغاية ، كل عضو في فريق علاقات العملاء باللغة الإنجليزية ممتازة. كما أن الطبيب (قمت بعلاج الأسنان) كان محترفا للغاية ومهتما. شكرا جزيلا لجميع الفريق والأطباء والممرضات. 😊😊
مرحبا. لقد خضعت لرحلة مذهلة في القدوم إلى العيادة الطبيعية في تركيا. أوصي الجميع بزيارة هذا المكان. كان الجميع لطيفين للغاية. أنا راض جدا عن زراعة الأسنان الخاصة بي.
✎ اكتب تعليقا
Veneers can correct many dental issues, such as discolored, chipped or misaligned teeth. A careful dental analysis will be required to select the best type according to your needs, naturally adapting to your mouth geography.
1. Composite Veneers
Composite or resin veneers are a plastic material that can be shaped directly onto teeth. They have a 2-5 years life-span and are the most affordable option.
2. Lumineers
Dental Lumineers are made of ultra-fine porcelain and don’t require teeth filing. Their almost transparent material is attached to the original teeth with a special adhesive, making them last for years.
3. Porcelain Teeth Veneers Turkey
Porcelain veneers teeth in Turkey are the most aesthetic and popular choice. These are usually laminate (in layers), and extremely resistant, with a 10-30 year life-span if proper hygiene and care is maintained.
Zirconium Porcelain
Zirconia veneers are the most resilient currently available. Made of a metal element known as zirconium dioxide, they are dubbed ultra-strong ceramic steel.
Emax Porcelain
Emax porcelain veneers are one of the most modern, increasing popular forms of cosmetic dentistry. The perfect mix of strength and durability.
Dental veneers are some of the best quality artifacts for dental aesthetics. However, not all patients are eligible. The ideal candidate includes:
⦁ Patients with severely stained teeth
⦁ Patients with good quality hygiene and oral health
⦁ Patients with dental cosmetic imperfections
Patients who may be contraindicated for teeth veneers include:
✔ Patients with crooked teeth
✔ Patients with good quality hygiene and oral health
✔ Patients lacking enough tooth enamel
What Type of Veneer is Best?
This is a very popular question and impossible to answer without a prior consultation. For example, patients with rotten teeth requiring root canal treatment cannot have Emax veneers in Turkey. In such case, zirconium might be an option, given certain circumstances.
If you have healthy teeth, you might want to consider more aesthetic alternatives, and focus less on strength and durability. But this will also depend on other factors, such as budget or teeth alignment.
Getting teeth veneers in Turkey requires precision, careful planning and attention to detail. This is to ensure that every veneer is unique, solid, looks natural and fits the patient’s mouth. The whole procedure unfolds in 4 steps, from start to finish:
Since most of our patients are abroad, this first step is carried through online consultation. This will be the occasion to send X-rays, mouth pictures and to examine your medical history, choosing the best type of veneers, preparing the treatment for installation and temporary covers.
Upon the first personal meeting, your dentist will carry out a more extensive mouth analysis. He or she will proceed to remove a thin enamel layer to fit the veneers. This process will be repeated for every chosen tooth, and scans and impressions will be taken.
This data will be sent to our Lab to manufacture your veneers. Between the first and second appointment, patients will wear temporary covers to protect their dentition.
On the second appointment, the dentist will have the permanent veneers ready. They will be tried on for check-up. This is the opportunity to apply modifications and receive the patient’s feedback to correct the colour or shape according to personal preferences. No adhesive will be used, and veneers will be sent back to the lab for the final adjustments.
This is the final fitting day. Your dentist will carry out the last checks and the adhesive will be applied on your teeth to fit the teeth veneers.
Lower currency value, lower wages and operational costs mean that the best dental clinics in Turkey offer outstanding procedures at a fraction of the cost. This is not good news for British dentists, only for British patients.
You can expect the average Turkey teeth veneers price to be £180 per unit. In other words, a full smile makeover with dental veneers costs in Turkey an average £3,000.
Prices vary depending on clinics and dentists. The following is an estimate cost breakdown (we haven’t included resin materials):
Patients need to factor in accommodation, flights and transportation costs to establish the total price of the travel journey and procedure.
It is no secret that the first and main reason for the Mediterranean country’s attraction is the more affordable Turkey teeth veneers price, allowing patients to save up to 70% (all-inclusive). However, affordable costs alone cannot explain Istanbul’s huge attraction as a medical destination.
In the last 10 years, modern facilities have blossomed all throughout Istanbul, employing the latest technology. Such exponential growth has come along with exceptional improvements in medical education to meet the ever-rising demand. Other reasons include:
All and all, you can get an impeccable dental treatment and return back home after enjoying a refreshing holiday!
Dental Veneers at Natural Clinic have a high success rate, thanks to our skilled professionals and personalized care.
The Dental Veneers procedure typically requires two visits, with individual times varying based on complexity.
Dental Veneers are placed with minimal discomfort, often under local anesthesia. Post-procedure sensitivity is typically well-managed.
Dental Veneers offer long-lasting results, often lasting many years with proper care and maintenance.
Dental Veneers are considered safe, but potential risks or side effects will be discussed during the consultation.
Normal eating can usually resume shortly after Dental Veneers placement, with some initial caution advised.
Care for Dental Veneers involves regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to maintain their appearance and functionality.
Dental Veneers can be matched to the color of your natural teeth for a seamless and natural appearance.
Dental Veneers are a versatile solution, but a thorough consultation is required to determine individual suitability.
Scheduling a consultation is easy. Contact us through our website or call our clinic directly.
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