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Natural Clinic is one of the largest and most modern centres in Europe and might very well be the best place for tummy tuck in Turkey. It opened its doors in 2021, reuniting medical professionals of great merit, certification by the Turkish Ministry of Health, and medical awards from NACo and HRSA.
Ever since the new facilities opened its doors, Natural Clinic has performed over 100,000 successful operations to patients from all over the world. Including Australia, Japan, Canada, the US and patients from all over Europe.
Sponsored by the BBC, Vogue and LaLiga, it has also been the choice of Michele Morrone, Alexandra Stan, Niccolo Zaniolo and Cristiano Ronaldo’s sister, among many other actors, artists and sports celebrities.
If you want to receive and excellent medical treatment at a sunny Mediterranean destination, all for the most reasonable prices:
Be inspired by our patients’ unbelievable transformation!
Avec 1 020 000 opérations en 2023 seulement, Istanbul est la de facto capitale mondiale des cheveux.
Les cliniques offrent des forfaits de tourisme médical tout compris, permettant aux patients de profiter d’une expérience sans faille, résolvant la perte de cheveux des sourcils en seulement 3 jours.
Durée de la procédure
2-3 Heures
Stay in Turkey
7 Days
Boosters de cheveux
Shampoings & Lotions Inclus
Hôtel 5*
Chauffeur privé
12 mois de Suivi Post-Opératoire
La transplantation de sourcils est une procédure de réallocation des cheveux, consistant en la collecte de follicules pileux d’une zone spécifique, pour être transplantés sur les sourcils. La technique employée est connue sous le nom de micro FUE, qui signifie Extraction d’Unités Folliculaires.
La chirurgie est réalisée sous anesthésie locale et vise à obtenir une plénitude des sourcils de manière permanente.
J’ai eu l’une des expériences les plus incroyables dans cette clinique et j’ai obtenu les résultats que j’espérais. Le personnel est très gentil et sympathique et c’est très important pour toute clinique et je recommanderais à 100% cette clinique à tout le monde.
Par l’intermédiaire d’un de mes amis, j’ai découvert cette clinique. Nous sommes restés ici pendant quatre nuits et c’était un plaisir. Le transfert de l’aéroport à l’hôtel était facile. Le personnel était sympathique et la communication était tout en anglais et très bien merci !
J’ai apprécié ma visite et le processus d’opération s’est bien déroulé. Le suivi était également agréable.
Je recommanderais vivement de venir ici
Le service client est super bon, l’anglais de tous les membres de l’équipe de relations avec la clientèle est excellent. De plus, le médecin (j’ai fait un traitement dentaire) était très professionnel et attentionné. Un grand merci à toute l’équipe, aux médecins et aux infirmières. 😊😊
Bonjour. J’ai eu un voyage incroyable en venant à la clinique naturelle en Turquie. Je recommande à tout le monde de visiter cet endroit. Tout le monde était super gentil. Je suis très satisfaite de mes implants dentaires.
✎ Écrire un avis
Ce type de transplantation de cheveux faciale est souvent réalisé pour restaurer la densité perdue avec le temps ou après un accident. Il peut également s’agir d’une procédure de stylisation, donnant aux sourcils une forme ou une courbe plus esthétique.
Pour y parvenir, les patients sont libres de choisir parmi 3 techniques:
Mini Tummy Tuck Turkey
A mini tummy tuck implies a smaller incision in the lower abdomen without manipulating the belly button. The scar is minimal, but results are limited compared to other techniques.
Extended Tummy Tuck
An extended abdominoplasty is the most in-depth version. It treats 210º of your belt, that is: your whole abdomen and lower hips, with the incision ending behind the love handles.
Fleur de Lys Tummy Tuck
The fleur de lys is the fancy sounding technique. It is the best for bariatric patients or patients who have lost a great deal of weight. It removes skin both vertically and horizontally.
Reverse Abdominoplasty
The reverse abdominoplasty focuses on the upper abdominal area for skin stretching. The scar is concealed below the breast folds, allowing a perfect a breast lift or a breast augmentation combo.
Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Combination
Patients can combine fat removal, a Brazilian Butt Lift addition, and tummy tuck surgery for improved body sculpting results.
La transplantation de sourcils est possible pour presque tous les patients, étant donné le petit nombre de follicules pileux requis. Les patients qui ont tiré le plus grand bénéfice de la procédure incluent:
Les patients insatisfaits de la densité ou de la forme de leurs sourcils.
Do you want to know if you’re eligible for an abdominoplasty in Turkey?
What Causes Loose Belly Skin?
Excess skin is most often caused by rapid weight loss. It may be solvable with mesotherapy, body contouring or simply by giving time to your skin to readapt. Depending on your case, however, this might not be possible. Other common causes of sagging belly skin include:
⦁ Child bearing
⦁ Genetics
⦁ Natural ageing
⦁ Previous surgeries
⦁ Hormonal imbalances
Do you want our expert to give you a detailed diagnoses for free?
Tummy tuck prices in Turkey are significantly lower due to the weaker Turkish lira, lower operation costs and government subsidies. For a reasonable price, you can cover the whole hospitalization, one week accommodation and all transfers in Istanbul.
The cost of a tummy tuck in Turkey varies depending on the clinic, surgeon and technique, but you can estimate an average price of around $3000.
Be cautious, however. Yes, you can find affordable prices, but they are so for a reason. You can have a very nice surgery for $3,000, but we wouldn’t recommend going for a lower price.
Also, bear in mind that investing a little more means having access to better doctors, hospitals, better technology, attention and care, and overall, better results and a better experience.
The cost of a mini tummy tuck in Turkey is an average $2,500. With financing options, you might be more willing to afford a more in-depth surgery, if you actually need it. Natural Clinic accepts installment payments under certain conditions.
The average price of tummy tuck and liposuction in Turkey is $4,000 to $4,500 for a 3-area 5-litre fat removal and standard abdominoplasty. This is the reduced price for the combined surgery, which allows for much great body sculpting results.
Tummy Tuck Prices Turkey vs. UK
The average cost of a tummy tuck in the UK is £6,000. Many patients choose Turkey because £6,000 is enough to pay one of the best abdominoplasty doctors in Turkey, along with private nurses, 5-star accommodation and return flights.
For the cost of a standard procedure in the UK, you can cover a full VIP medical travel in Istanbul, having access to the best private clinics in the country, and being treated by surgeons from the American and European Boards of Plastic Surgery.
If you don’t want to hurt your wallet, Natural Clinic also accepts installment payment options.
Patients must commit to following pre-operatory instructions that will guarantee both their safety and the success of their abdominoplasty in Turkey. The main ones include:
⦁ Stop alcohol and cigarette consumption at least 1 week before surgery.
⦁ Stop taking any medication as indicated by your doctor
⦁ Do not eat or drink anything in the 12 hours before surgery
⦁ Present yourself at the hospital without wearing makeup, creams or cosmetic products
Your doctor will provide a complete pre-op guideline in the weeks prior to your surgery. Should you want to receive more concise, personalized information, you can always contact us for a free online consultation.
Nurses and surgeons regularly check-up on patients after their abdominoplasty in Turkey. However, they can’t always be there to make sure they don’t smoke or self-sabotage their surgery in any other creative way.
Aftercare instructions are crucial to ensure the best possible results. The first weeks after treatment are absolutely decisive, so be careful to comply with the following:
✓ Take all prescribed medication and painkillers as instructed by your surgeon
✓ Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least 2 weeks post-op
✓ Drink plenty of fluids and follow the prescribed recovery diet
✓ Avoid strenuous activities
✓ Perform light exercises as recommended by your surgeon
✓ Lymphatic massages are recommended for a smooth recovery
✓ Wear the pressure garment until indicated by your doctor
It is completely normal to feel mild pain and discomfort after the procedure. The worst symptoms will rapidly subside on the first 24 hours surgery, with painkillers, massages and medication alleviating all symptoms in the next few days.
The following is a recovery guide extracted from most of our patient’s experience after their tummy tuck in Istanbul. Take it with a grain of salt, as healing time will also vary depending on the patient’s age, health and surgical technique.
The first 2-3 days will be the ones with the most swelling, bruising and discomfort. You will have to wear a compression garment, do some serious resting, drink plenty of fluids and allow your nurses to perform lymphatic massages.
1 Month Post-Op
Tooth implants can also serve as anchor for dental bridges, which are a row of prosthetic teeth. The most common types of bridges are:
Introducing 3 Tooth Implant Shapes
Implants resemble screws to the point they are almost indistinguishable from them. The difference is they are highly sophisticated devices coming in different shapes to best adapt to the patient’s mouth topography.
The 3 different shapes of dental implants in Turkey are:
Tapered: Tapered are the most common shape and the ones most similar to natural tooth roots. Their surface is layered, which helps create stability and aesthetic end-results.
Cylindrical: The walls of cylindrical implants are smooth. This offers the advantage of creating a larger contact area with the bone, allowing for better osseointegration.
Spindle-Shaped: Spindle-shaped implants are a combination of the former 2 shapes. They are cylindrical with a tapered ending, allowing for strong holding and comfort.
It is completely normal to feel mild pain and discomfort after the procedure. The worst symptoms will rapidly subside on the first 24 hours surgery, with painkillers, massages and medication alleviating all symptoms in the next few days.
The following is a recovery guide extracted from most of our patient’s experience after their tummy tuck in Istanbul. Take it with a grain of salt, as healing time will also vary depending on the patient’s age, health and surgical technique.
The first 2-3 days will be the ones with the most swelling, bruising and discomfort. You will have to wear a compression garment, do some serious resting, drink plenty of fluids and allow your nurses to perform lymphatic massages.
After the first week you will notice swelling and discomfort is greatly reduced. Most patients doing office work can resume their normal activities after 1 week. However, they should avoid strenuous exercise for at least the entire first month post-op.
Most swelling will be gone by the 6th week after surgery and patients are usually able to do light exercises such as swimming and jogging. They should listen to their body and not force anything! Be patient, you will slowly recover your best physical condition, with a better shape than ever.
6 months after your surgery, all scars and signs of the operation will have become almost imperceptible. All swelling will be gone and you will be able to appreciate the results of your tummy tuck in Turkey almost entirely. You will be also able to do hard activities such as weight lifting and more intense sports.
1 year after surgery, the healing period will be entirely over, scars will have faded to their minimal state and patients will be able to act as if they had never been operated. It will still be important to maintain good life habits to preserve the results of the operation permanently.
The final results of abdominoplasty surgery, when performed correctly, include a flat tummy, reduced cellulites, and all self-esteem and psychological benefits it implies. There is a catch, however: a tummy tuck does leave a scar that will fade away with time, but won’t ever disappear.
To deal with this issue, many patients come up with ingenious tummy tuck tattoos that hide the scar and beautify their lower abdomen. If you are willing to get a tattoo, or don’t mind hiding a scar beneath your underwear or bikini, the end results are highly beneficial, with most patients displaying happiness with their decision.
The Procedure Step by Step
Any successful surgery requires experienced professionals, careful medical examinations, a modern facility and attention to details. It is very important to provide all necessary information to your surgeon without hiding or bending the facts.
Abdominoplasties have been performed for decades now with very high success rates. They are one of the most demanded procedures with up to 80,000 surgeries per year in Istanbul. Below, you will find the 4-step process of tummy tuck surgery in Turkey:
Chances are you are extremely self-conscious about your saggy belly skin. You might keep avoiding certain social situations (going to the beach, to the swimming pool, or wearing certain clothes). Life is too short for such kind of constraints.
A tummy tuck in Turkey might be beneficial for you in many aspects, especially, on a mental level.
Experience the ease and freedom of a flat tummy.
Cellulites & stretch marks will fade or disappear.
Back and neck pain significantly reduced.
Anything related to the medical field is highly regulated in Turkey, which heavily relies on the industry. This explains why plastic surgeons must be registered in a relevant medical association, after completing 9 years of higher education and 6 of surgical training, internships and examinations.
Turkish surgeons rank among the most experienced due to the sheer volume of surgeries performed in the country, attracting almost 1 million foreign patients every year. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t verify your surgeon’s credentials. You should make sure they are registered surgeons, and not assistants.
You should also check whether the clinic is certified by the Turkish Ministry of Health, Tursab, and competent authorities such as ISO. We strongly advice to prioritize quality over cheaper tummy tuck prices in Turkey. You might also want to check:
⦁ Patient reviews
⦁ Before and afters
⦁ Testimonial videos
⦁ Opinions in forums
You might also want to get in contact with prior patients to get a very clear perspective of the quality and professionalism of the surgeon and clinic.
Comme les cheveux transplantés ne peuvent pas tomber, les résultats de l’opération sont permanents et durent pour toujours.
Les patients ont généralement besoin de 150 à 350 greffons pour obtenir une densité complète dans les deux sourcils.
Les patients peuvent devoir attendre 2 à 3 semaines pour une récupération complète, mais la plupart de la guérison se fait dans les 2 à 3 premiers jours, rendant l’opération invisible.
The results of Abdominoplasty are generally long-lasting, provided you maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle. Significant weight fluctuations or future pregnancies can affect the longevity of the results.
Abdominoplasty is considered safe, but like any surgical procedure, it may have potential risks or side effects, which will be discussed during the consultation. These may include infection, scarring, and anesthesia complications.
Il est difficile de dire quel pays a les meilleurs chirurgiens et cliniques. La Turquie est une destination très populaire en raison de ses prix abordables et de ses chirurgiens très expérimentés.
La chirurgie se déroule sous anesthésie, ce qui signifie que l’opération est complètement indolore. Les patients peuvent ressentir une légère douleur ou un inconfort dans les jours suivants, pendant que votre peau guérit. Ces symptômes disparaîtront en quelques jours seulement.
Vous devrez peut-être raser seulement une petite zone de votre tête pour la greffe, et peut-être aussi du sourcil, selon la technique employée. Cependant, cela sera à peine perceptible. Les patients choisissant la technique DHI, cependant, n’auront pas à se raser.
Yes, Abdominoplasty can be performed on both men and women who meet the criteria for the procedure. It is a versatile treatment that can address a range of abdominal issues.
Scheduling a consultation is easy. Contact us through our website or call our clinic to book an appointment. Our friendly staff will assist you in setting up a convenient time for your consultation.
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This step of the process usually takes place online, with patients still at their home countries. Doctors will ask for their medical information, including their age, height, weight, surgeries and medications. After careful examination and feedback, they will proceed to create a treatment plan.